Your visit to the Survey One Staines website is much appreciated.
In order to access the Surveyone website, please read the following terms and conditions (the “Conditions of Use”).
Before accessing or using the Surveyone website, please take the time to thoroughly read this page.
This website’s Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors and users.
Do not use the website if you don’t want to be bound by the Terms of Service.
Surveyone reserves the right to amend these terms at any time, with changes taking effect immediately upon posting.
It is your responsibility to review the Conditions of Use and any other terms or notices published on the Surveyone website.
By continuing to use the site after any updates, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised terms.
When using the Surveyone website, you should familiarise yourself with our policy on how we collect, handle, and disclose your personal information.
The entire content of this website, including but not limited to: text, graphics, logos, Demo movies, images, audio clips, digital downloads and software, are the property of Surveyone, its suppliers or its clients and are protected by British and International copyright and trademark laws.
Survey One Staines Upload, post, transmit or distribute any part of Surveyone’s site material in any way whatsoever without first getting Surveyone’s permission in writing.
The materials on this website may be printed or downloaded for personal, non-commercial use only if you agree not to alter or remove any copyright or proprietary notices.
Please email us promptly if you feel any content on our website infringes on the copyrights of others.
We communicate with you electronically when you visit the Surveyone website or send us an e-mail, and you agree to receive messages from us electronically or through any other methods accessible.
We’ll reach out to you through email, phone, or fax.
That’s how we’ll stay in touch. To the extent permitted by law, we will deliver to you electronically any agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we give to you.
Unless otherwise stated, Surveyone offers you a limited licence to access and make personal use of this website, but not to download (other than for page caching reasons), change it, or any portion of it, unless with Surveyone’s prior written permission.
Please contact Survey One Staines for permission to use any part of this website or any component thereof in any way for commercial gain without first obtaining written permission from Surveyone.
Without Surveyone’s express written approval, you may not use any framing methods to enclose any Surveyone trademark, logo, or other proprietary material (including images, text, flash movie, page layout, or form).
Without Surveyone’s prior written approval, you may not utilise META tags or any other “hidden text” referencing, Surveyone or any other derivative of our domain or company name.
As long as your connection does not reflect any negative or objectionable material, you are allowed a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive licence to construct a hyperlink to the Surveyone website.
To be clear, Surveyone cannot and does not promise or warrant that files made available for downloading on the Surveyone website will be free of infection with viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifests harmful or destructive qualities.
You are responsible for ensuring that any files downloaded from the Surveyone website are free of such infection by establishing adequate protections and processes.
As a result of using this site, you agree that Surveyone isn’t responsible for any harm that could come to you in the form of indirect or incidental damages or other types of compensatory or punitive damages.
There are no typographical or other mistakes or omissions in the content of this site, and Surveyone undertakes no duty or responsibility for them.
Surveyone’s Terms and Conditions and any dispute you might have with Surveyone will be governed by UK law, regardless of where you are located or the principles of conflict of laws.
When it comes to data, e-mail, privacy and copyright/trademark infringment, you must abide by all applicable local laws and regulations on the Internet.
All applicable legislation covering the export of technical data from the United Kingdom or the country where you reside must be adhered to.
If you violate these Conditions of Use (including negligent or wrongful conduct), you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Surveyone and its officers and directors; owners; partners; employees; agents; licensors; suppliers; and any third-party information provider to the Surveyone website from all losses and expenses (including legal fees) resulting from such violations.